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Stormwater Management Resources

Northern Virginia residents can do their part to reduce stormwater pollution by implementing best management practices (BMPs) around their homes and communities. BMPs reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces and help to reduce the amount of pollutants, e.g., nutrients, bacteria, and salts, that enter into the environment. BMPs also often provide aesthetic benefits to properties by utilizing native plans and other natural features to absorb water.


See below for resources to learn about and install various stormwater management BMPs around your property:

Rain Gardens: garden spaces that are typically placed in low-lying areas or created as depressions to direct rainwater off of impervious surfaces with a pipe or swale. Rain gardens typically use native plants to most effectively absorb and infiltrate rainwater as it collects in the depression.

General Information


Design and Construction



Rain Garden_edited.jpg

Permeable Pavers: Pavement in a driveway or other area of a property with pervious material that allows water to infiltrate into the ground (as opposed to traditional asphalt/concrete in which water runs off into a nearby storm drain).


General Information


Design and Construction

Permeable Paver 2.png

Rain Barrels and Cisterns: A barrel or cistern that is connected to a home’s downspout to collect rainwater and prevent runoff into the yard or nearby storm drain. Installations can come in a range of shapes and sizes and typically include a nozzle to release water when the barrel is filled. Collected water can be slowly released or used for gardening and watering plants.

Rain Barrel.png

Conservation Landscaping: Replacement of turf grass, bare soil, and/or non-native plants with native plants. As opposed to rain gardens, conservation landscaping can be incorporated anywhere on a property, including garden beds or raised beds.


General Information


Design and Construction


Native Plant Guidance



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